In the latter part of the 1920’s several Italian American clubs in the East Bay were in existence, and although progressing, many of the leaders of each club felt that an association should be formed so that more recognition of our Italian American background could be brought forth to those unaware of our existence.

In the year of 1930, ground work for this wonderful idea was established, the IAF was a reality, and Frank Gatto was installed as its first president and was to serve in that capacity until 1940.
From this period to the present time, Italian Americans of great prominence and distinction have served as president of this Federation, thus fulfilling their goal and standards as set forth by the charter clubs.

In the early years of the Federations’ existence, the Columbus Day Queen was selected by the number of tickets that were sold in her name, and the coronation of the queen was held at the Hotel Oakland followed by the grand ball that was held at the Oakland Auditorium. On the following day, parades and ceremonies were held throughout the East Bay, thus ending a joyous occasion and celebration of the original founder of our American and Italian heritage. As the present time, our queen is selected by a panel of non-affiliated judges. Each contestant is judged by her appearance, poise, personal charm, etc.

​Among the many achievements of the Italian American Federation is the presentation of scholastic scholarships to worthy East Bay high school graduates of Italian American parentage. This recognition and the grand coronation of our Columbus Day Queen and her court are highlights to be long remembered.